I have decided, for now, to keep the blog public, and to be more discreet about what I publish here.
The biggest news that I do wish to share is that in February we finally obtained a diagnosis for Alexa. She has a form of Cerebral Palsy called Worster Drought Syndrome, or WDS from here on out. There is a nice pdf document at the WDS support group page that will detail it for you if you want to know more, but it is basically a form of CP that most strongly affects the tongue, lips and jaw muscles.
The doctors in the clinic at Doernboecher recommended focusing on her AAC device for speech, since it is unlikely she will ever have much intelligible verbal language, and signing is somewhat difficult due to her limited fine motor skills. We do continue to us a lot of sign language, but it takes someone familiar with Alexa's particular way of signing to understand her easily.
We are trying to encourage her to use her talker as much as possible, and particularly out in public places. This is someone hard to do because she has relied on high 5s for so long that she defaults to that, and unless asked to, or waited on, she doesn't always use the talker.
It would be great if those if you who see us in person would limit yourself to one high five and then ask her a question or let her ask you one. How are you? What are you doing this summer? How old are you now? etc...and if you think of something you would like to ask and she doesn't seem to understand or have it in her talker, please let me know, and I will add it in. Her talker is on her wrist now, and is loud enough for a quiet area, I will try to have the bluetooth speaker with us more frequently to allow communication in a more noisy environment.
I would love to hear your viewpoint on the issue of privacy with regard to blogging, and if you do regularly read the blog, please consider letting me know with a comment now and then.
We follow your blog! Love to read updates since we don't see each other very often... I read blogs on Google Reader, so I'm not sure if we would show up on the map as having read your blog. Also, if you go private, it doesn't show in the Reader when you update, so harder to keep up unless we check frequently. Thanks for the update Brandy!
I follow it, and usually get redirected through Facebook!
I stop in once in awhile. I'm inspired by your strength and patience.
Hi Brandy, This is the first time I've seen your blog. Your daughter is adorable!!!
Miss you all!
I follow your blog too. On Google reader like Dana (I am her Sister In Law).
Also, I wanted to share that your feelings of not having anyone to talk to is something I think all we "stay at home" moms share. You are not alone. We should try to have a Mommy night out...although I just had Twins, so I might have to sit out a while, but it sounds fun :)
I check it! Dont give up! I have been so intrieged by Alexa and how well you deal with her! By the way, my blog is not private, but I took it off of all search engines like google, so anyone searching for it has to have the exact adress or a direct link to it. That way it cuts down on random searching. But if you want to share her story, then keep it public. I love reading about her latest things she can do! Please explain the "talker" I cant seem to figure out how that works? So....she must understand a lot to be able to use that!
I check in on your blog regularly. And mean to contact you just as regularly but clearly fail at that. It's exciting that you have a diagnosis.
I read your blog!!! Don't stop!
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