Monday, November 23, 2009

November so far..

I hope I soon click back into blogging mode, meanwhile you all are getting very sporadic updates, but we are still here and still healthy. We have missed getting the swine flu, we got vaccinations before it hit Alexa's school, several of the other schools in town got it big time. I have been knitting busily to get some gifts done, here are Sophia's gloves, dyed in her choice of colors.
Here is one of the pictures Dana took of us.
We are having Thanksgiving dinner at our house again this year. I like it that way despite the chaos because I love to cook all the things that are traditional for our family.
I can't think of what to tell you all because life has been busy, but not terribly newsworthy! I hope you have a terrific Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Weekend

We had a really fun weekend with Holly and the kids. We managed to play a board game with Alexa and Sophia. It is an alphabet game, and Alexa is great at it. She knows all her letters! This picture is bad for some reason, my camera must have been on a wierd setting, but I wanted proof..Alexa sat still and focused very well for a long time! The next day we had a big Halloween party for the little kids. Dana did storytime for us.
Quite a few of the older kids loved this. You can tell from Sophia's slack-jawed gaze.
Reese gave me a big smile for the camera.
Dana also brought some finger puppet supplies and the kids made some ghosts, cats, and pumpkins.
Kaia had designs on the large pumpkin, but it proved a bit too much for her.
Jessica helped Zoe and Alexa with their puppets.
Our bird decided to be friendly after spending all day banished to the quiet bedroom, and he loved Jamie.

He wasn't quite as thrilled with Sophia, but he did let her hold him on the stick.
And Alexa really liked it!

Preparing to go trick-or-treating.
Alexa wanted to take the tricycle.
She managed to go this year, and decided she likes to eat Skittles, her first candy!