Wednesday, May 28, 2008

General Update

I haven't posted for almost a week, and I don't have any pictures to share, but here's what is going on with us.
I am almost completely well. I still have a bit of a cough. I also had an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon yesterday, and the ankle x-rays look the same, so I am going to keep using the ugly elastic sock as needed. I don't have to go back and see that doctor for 3 months unless I develop pain or unusual swelling. That is good news.
Alexa got a fever Friday night, and had a fever off and on all the way through Monday night. She had a really bad day Monday, the fever was high and she wouldn't eat or drink. I almost thought we were going to have to call the doc again. Tuesday morning she came into our room about 5 am and got into bed with us, and when we all woke up we discovered huge bloodstains on the sheet because Alexa had a bloody nose. It stopped bleeding shortly after she woke up, but she had runny nose from the cold, so all day we had major amounts of bloody snot. (Maybe I should put warnings on my posts when they are about things like this!) She did eat a lot of food and drink yesterday, so it seems we have survived the worst of it.
Also this weekend we got one of the raised bed boxes that David built me filled up with dirt and planted with potatoes and onions. We planted the rest of the seed potatoes in the side yard because they can't be stored until next year. The ground here is a solid clay under about 3 inches of soil, so we will see how the potatoes do.


Carleen said...

Awful, awful when the momma is sick! Take good care, my friend... sunnier days are coming (I hope!).

Holly said...

You should keep a bag of spare blood in the fridge for this girl! She has bloody noses like nobody's business! No fun to clean up. You should be and expert at spot cleaning by now.