Friday, February 22, 2008

Alexa loves my gloves

I know this isn't a great picture, but Alexa was carrying around the gloves which I showed yesterday and her doll and giving them both hugs.

The good news from the doctor is that Alexa's nose is fine. No damage to her septum. Other than that - I am glad it is Friday, but David is planning on attending a rock climbing competition tomorrow, so he won't be able to take care of Alexa to give me some sanity time. (He is not competing, just going to watch) He suggested that I go to Eugene to see Penny, but unfortunately that is even less restful since there are many new things for her to get into and lots of puzzles, crayons, card games etc in the toybox. This is a lot of things for me to pick up. So - I think I will stay home.

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