Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Another day another post.

Alexa loves the camera now. It is hard to take a picture of her because she keeps getting closer and closer. Alexa holding Curious George and reading a Curious George book. We just can't get enough of that monkey around here.

Well DH finished the taxes last night and we fortunately do not owe any money despite his dire prognostications.

Today I started the potty training protocol provided by Alexa's teacher. For two weeks we check the diaper every hour and record the status. I think this is supposed to help us figure out what times of the day we should put her on the potty. I will keep you posted on how it goes.

I also pulled out my Icarus shawl knitting project again. This is a lace shawl that I have started and pulled out twice already. I am determined to finish it eventually because it will be really pretty when it is done.

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