Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fun in the sun

It was another incredibly beautiful day today, and I am feeling so much better. Alexa and I went to the park and she did so many things that help her leg strenth and balance.

This is Alexa signing "help".
She also signed bath today without prompting which was really great so of course I gave her a bath in the middle of the afternoon. She needed it anyway - she had dirt and playground bark all over her and in her hair.
My friend Dana mentioned in her blog about teaching her son that he can choose to have a good day or a bad day. I am thinking this is something we can all learn to do. It is true that some things are beyond our control, but we do have control over our attitude and that makes all the difference in the world. Today was a good day!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Alexa is such a cutie! I love it when she signs - you can tell she knows she's doing something GREAT!! Glad you are feeling a bit better. I keep getting "almost sick". I feel kinda icky but not horrible and it comes and goes regularly - weird!