Thursday, February 7, 2008

Those 4:30 blues

I don't know if the "blues" is exactly what I would call it. But about 4:30 in the afternoon is when it seems like I always get overwhelmed. I am sure it has something to do with some sort of internal clock, but that doesn't really help me fix it. At this time of day, I start to be impatient with Alexa, frustrated with the messy condition of my house, my body feels achy and I am really restless. I start counting the minutes until DH gets home. This is the time of day when Alexa has leaky diapers, I spill stuff, and I feel like a really inadequate mother.
I trimmed Alexa's hair last night. She has started pulling her rubber bands out and after I did her hair about six times yesterday and she pulled it out again I couldn't take it anymore. It is always in her mouth, in her eyes, in her food and snotty. It is hard enough to comb the hair of someone who won't hold still, but trying to get snot, and food out and keep it out of her eyes was finally too much for me. Part of me feels guilty for this - so I apologize to any of you who think it was a horrible thing to do, but my sanity required it.
David and I are going out to eat tonight with Curt and Renee. We are going to a special restautant in Albany called Sybaris Bistro. They change their menu every month and several people I know have been there and say it is really good. Lenore is going to come watch Alexa for us.


Dim and Jana said...

I can so relate... I feel like my 4:30 blues have to do with figuring out dinner plans and having the energy to cook/eat/clean-up...
Hope you have a great time at Sybaris... we went there in Dec... I'm too picky for their food (there was no chicken).
I keep meaning to ask someone in the *know* what DH stands for??? I must not be too bright (I know it is your husband, but DH?)

Holly said...
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Holly said...

Haha! I just decided to leave a comment about this DH thing myself and looks like this is a common wonderment. Does it stand for DUH? As in "That is SO obvious - DUH!"
p.s. I deleted the above comment once since I misspelled something - DUH!