Friday, January 4, 2008

Alexa falls asleep

Alexa did something really funny tonight. She fell asleep while I was holding her so I laid her on the red chair for a nap. She woke up a little, sat up, looked around in confusion and fell forward onto her stuffed dog. She then snuggled in a bit and went back to sleep. She won't take regular naps anymore, but sometimes she gets very tired in the late afternoon and accidentally falls asleep while playing. David and I are still feeling a bit unwell today. Our voices are lower than usual, my throat still hurts and my nose is stuffed up and runny at the same time. The most unusual occurence of the day is that mom responded to an email I sent her about a month ago. Now that she doesn't work at a computer all day she mostly ignores her email. I harass her about this regularly, but with little effect.

1 comment:

Holly said...

My niece is the cutest thing! Im glad you finally decided on a pet...I think that large furry dog is just the thing. Looks like Alexa was decorating with drool - at least the dog doesn't drool too! I hope you all are feeling better soon. Love, Holly