Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Still a temporarily single mom with a sick child.

This is a really bad way to end a vacation. I had such a lovely time in Arizona, and I come back to nasty weather, cars with dead batteries, husband stuck in Washington and a sick daughter. I still think the vacation was worth it. Alexa has now been sick for 3 days. She has a cold and it comes with a recurring fever, nasty sounding cough, congestion and runny nose. This is the first cold she has had that has a repeated fever. She also coughs so much it is hard to sleep. I give her decongestant when I get desperate, but she hates it so much that she screams and coughs and I am afraid she will vomit. So I have only done that twice. The van that got a little bit broken in the Tri-Cities is being fixed today hopefully. If there isn't too much snow tonight through the Columbia Gorge then hopefully David will be able to come home tomorrow.
The one bit of good news we had this week is that our insurance company is going to cover a 4 month course of physical and occupational therapy for Alexa. If we have some evidence of improvement, then we should be able to continue. I really didn't expect that but am very happy about it!

1 comment:

David George Rowley, Sr said...

I was reading your blog with much interest. I understand about your good times and the bad ones. My wife and I only have great grand babies now. We are in our late 70's. Most all of our life we have had the help of the Lord in all of our problems, both small and great. Some times people don't put much importance to that statement I just made. We feel that we have been Blessed. I will be believing that everything will work out ok by the grace of God.
Check out my web site, God bless you is our prayer for you. Dave & Thelma www.assemblyoflove.org