Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!

Well we stayed up until midnight, even Alexa. Did anyone else make it? We went to Will and Shelley's for a bonfire which was huge. Like 20 feet across huge. It was fun. Now we are tired, Alexa and Daddy are sleeping on the big red chair. I slept in until about 7:30 which is pretty late for me. I hope this year brings good things to all of you.

1 comment:

Holly said...

You know...as a matter of fact I did see midnight. If you read my blog you will see that as of midnight January 1st I made the announcement that New Years resolutions are on hold until further notice. The cause of the delay is unknown at the time, but will keep you updated on possible future developements. Sources say that these types of delays can last up to a year...

I've been needing to put something on the record here regarding xmas presents. As I'm sure you realized, I sent a person wearing a cast on one foot nothing other than...socks. To make matters worse, I didn't just send any old pair of socks which could at least have been used individually - one at a time. No! I didn't just do that! I sent tights! That, my friend does pose as a problem to the person wearing a cast on one leg. It does seem foolish I know. And if it helps your emotional recovery to know...you can keep in mind that at the time I was buying socks the word on the street was "Brandy is on the road to recovery". I extend my sincerest apologies in your direction.

PS - Alexa is the best! Cute and everything!