Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Good News about my foot!

I had my appointment with the orthopedic surgeon in Eugene today to review the results of the CT scan and he says that 2 of the joints are firmly fused, including the sub-talar joint which is apparently the one he has been most worried about to date. The ankle joint has some bone formation but not enough to go without a cast boot yet. So - no new surgery for now, I go another 6 weeks in the cast boot and then we check again by x-ray to see how that joint is doing. Even if it does not continue healing the doctor said that surgery would be quite simple and not as big of a deal as the one we would have had to do otherwise. So I am very happy about this needless to say. I thought I would share the good news around!! Hope you have as terrific a day as I had!

1 comment:

melody said...

Yea! So happy to hear your good news!