Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The weather, the cars

Here is what the yard looked like on Monday morning. It was snowing at the time, but the picture doesn't show it very well. In fact this is what the yard looks like this morning also, we had a little bit more snow last night.
And this is the car with the dead battery. Fortunately Les Schwab makes house calls for a 40$ fee and they came out and replaced the battery. Karen, Lenore, Miles, Neil, Osten and Philip watched Alexa for me while I got the engine oil flushed and so as of Monday evening the car is working again. The van had a bent steering pin or and that should be fixed this morning, so David is buying chains for the van and planning on trying to come home today. I will be so glad to have him back. I am not so good at being the only parent, especially when Alexa is sick. We are going to physical therapy this morning, so that will be interesting.

1 comment:

Dim and Jana said...

Sad about Alexa and being sick... I feel for you. I can hardly single parent when they are well... Hope David can get home safely and soon!