Saturday, December 22, 2007

A little housework..

Finally Alexa is helping out around here! When we were young my siblings and I accused our parents of having kids for the purpose of cheap manual labor around the house. Now I know two things, we were in no way inexpensive, nor were we much of a help most of the time.
And here is my daily heart attack...Alexa is becoming quite a climber. I commented to DH, that now I have this blog I am like one of those war photographers, instead of helping I just document. (Of course if she hadn't been stable at this point I would have gotten her down right away instead of taking a picture.) The physical therapist at her school said that she should be encourage to climb as long as she is safe. I am still trying to decide if this counts.

Clarifications on previous two posts. On my review of the Outlander book I mentioned that a love story within a marriage was a new concept...I meant that it is rare to read about a loving marriage in a book, rather than it being unusual to be in love with your spouse. I love DH very much. Second, when writing about the fishwife expression I meant the second definition, that I was not trying to be a shrewish obnoxious woman rather than that I was resisting the urge to sell fish. You probably figured this out anyway.

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